And So It Begins…
Welcome to my blog. I was super hesitant to write a blog because A. Everyone is doing it and I don’t like to do what everyone else is doing. B. I am terrible at grammar (and math but math doesn’t matter here). I feel like someone once told me that there are no grammar rules in blogging…or did I make that up? And C. Do I really have that much to say?
People that know me, know that “me not having much to say” is ridiculous. I always have something to say. I have learned over the years to be a bit more discerning because of the verse….“Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.” Proverbs 17:28. But I do have some insight to share with you regarding what has been true in my life. I am speaking from my experience, a theatre degree and a life coaching certification, so you have been duly warned.
Ok. On to the title of my blog…The Happy Christian Single.
I am all three and proud of it, but let me go back a bit…
I have been a Christian for as long as I can remember. My father was the pastor of a church growing up and being a PK or Pastor’s Kid is a real thing. I can’t really remember exactly when I gave my life to Christ but I can remember some very bumpy, angry, anxiety filled years from my late teens through my late twenties. And I think it was about 5 years ago that I re-dedicated my life to the Lord and ever since, I have done my best to seek Him first in all that I do.
I have been single for the last eight years. I did say EIGHT. That does not mean that I have not dated a bit but I have not been in a relationship for eight years. That is a long time. I am not even sure that I would know how to be in a relationship anymore. I feel like that is weird to admit but it is the truth.
I have been solidly happy for about three years but I have been diligently working towards it for the last five, through working on my relationship with Jesus and myself and through some serious life coaching. Being happy is a choice and I choose each day to be happy. I trust God and know deep within my being that He has a plan and a purpose for my life and every circumstance that I encounter.
My singleness is part of His plan for me. He has not forgotten, nor forsaken me. In His perfect timing, I will be married or I believe that He will fill my life and my heart with so much of Him that being married will no longer be the desire of my heart. Either way sounds awesome to me!
If you are single and would like to find your happy, sign up for a free mini session with me and we can chat.