I’ve Come A Long Way

You guys, this photo is a victory for me and so was this entire day!

Up until then, I had never in my adult life (and most of my childhood), worn a bathing suit in public without covering up most of my body; let alone for an entire day strolling around Greece – and I would never, in a million years, allow myself to be photographed while doing so. 😬

This photo is proof that I have come a long way from the girl who hid herself from the world. And I find myself in awe of the woman in this photo, the woman that I have become. 

Recently, a friend (that I hadn’t seen in a while) said that it was good to see me “looking so comfortable and peaceful; at home.” That really struck me because that is what it is. I finally feel at home with me.

It’s not just because of all the weight I’ve lost, but because of the way I think about myself now. That is where the real weight has been lost and so much more has been gained…You have to change what happens on the inside in order to change the outside.



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