Impossible Is Possible

What do you believe is impossible?

Losing 90lbs was my impossible.

Starting at 235lbs, weighing 145lbs seemed pretty impossible to me.

It was a lot of weight to lose. I’d never done it before and every time I’d attempted it in the past, I failed miserably.

So I started this journey with the belief that “I could not lose 90lbs” but I had hope and a coach that believed it for me and helped me learn to believe it for myself.

I had to learn to think differently about what was possible. In order to do that, I had to start small by practicing something that I could believe like “I could possibly lose 90lbs.” Once I believed that; I worked on believing “I will lose 90lbs” and then “I am losing 90lbs”. Since I am only 3lbs away, my current thought to get me across the finish line is “I’ve got this!”

Something that I thought was impossible is now possible and my current reality. How amazing is that?! Because of this, a whole new world of possibility has opened up for me and I truly believe that anything is possible!

Whatever you are believing is impossible, IS impossible because you believe it is.

What if you started believing that it could be possible? I promise that thought can change your life.

P.s. My T-shirt says “Impossible is temporary” and I am living proof of that!



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